Red Star Gaming inc.
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Welcome to Red Star Gaming!!
Welcome to a brand new wrestling sim company. We are brand new and looking for developers, and also a co-webmaster. I am the CEO, you can call me HCP. To learn more about the company check out the about page.
This section is for well news and updates.

3/23/01- THE SITE IS UP!!!! It is official the company is up and running waiting for some developers and staff ext. Well I am currently working on a new sim that has yet to be named. I am learing Visual Basic and have mastered the basics. I hope everyone enjoys my future sims and please we need more staff.

4/1/01- The name of Red Star Gaming's first sim has been announced it is as well as some updated info on the game are posted on the Previews page. i am still looking for staff.....

4/2/01 Minor update the pages have been updated adding banners and such. The downloads section updated on realease date for WrestleSim 1.0 DEMO, well I still need more staff.

5/20/01 I AM BACK SORRRRRY I have not been updating. My computer was messed up and i lost all my stuff ahhhhhh. Than all this stuff happened and I couldn't get online. I am here now though and be ready for updates. I am looking for a new copy of VB6 or 5, I lost mine. People I need help. If anyone knows anyone where I can get them tell me. Thanks. Also all my ideas for a new carear sim called.... Not tellin HAHAHAHAH anyway all my ideas for that game which was to start production after WrestleSim, well the papers were i guess thrown away by my dad so i am in trouble cuz along with those were the WrestleSim code and such. Sorry again.

OK there are currently only one person on the Red Star Gaming staff I need more. I need a co-webmaster, a c0-head developer, a marketer, and a president (CEO is a higher position than prez) also a vice prez. To be anyone of these e-mail me or im me at Medcolts23 Thanks

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